DinerMagic For busy but smart restaurateurs who want to SAVE $$ and MAKE more $$ # With DinerMagic, we design for you a full-featured, user-updatable website that includes both an online menu and print menu system. Why pay an expensive web designer or menu designer to make changes for you... and then have to wait? DinerMagic lets any restaurant owner, manager, chef or any staff member do it themselves easily and instantly! # When you edit your custom website yourself, not only can you instantly see the changes you made to your web pages, including your online menu, but your printed menus are also updated - sumultaneously! # Your edits take only a few minutes, and updated menus can be downloaded from your website and printed immediately. # Just send us a copy of your existing printed menu, and we'll do the rest. Or if you don't have one, we can design a menu for you, along with your custom website. # The best part is, you don't have to learn HTML or menu design. We do the design work for you--quickly and affordably. # Print-on-demand means no more waiting for your menus and no more waste! You print only what you need, when you need it!